Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Baby Wigs!!!!
Wigs for babies!!! The are sooo cute, and if you have a little one with thin tresses, then you are going to love these! I am going to get one for my flower to wear LOL!! She has nice hair, but the wigs are too cute to pass up.

Baby Bangs are worn the same way traditional headbands are worn!
They are safe to wear and have no metal clips or attachment pieces whatsoever. They are a combination of hair PLUS headband, which are made into ONE unique hair accessory!

"First there were cat wigs, then dog wigs, and now, baby wigs. Baby Toupees are "small wigs for small people" and cost $22 apiece. Thankfully these weren't available when I was a baby or my mom would have bought them all. Baby Toupee: $22. F***ing your kids up for life: priceless."
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Fat Cats - いやだ!
Just like the rest of the US, I have fought the battle of the bulge and most likely will act accordingly to keep it at bay for the remainder of my lifetime.... Now..... I have owned a pet or two in my childhood, but have never had or indulged my animal enough to create the problem below.
Just hope the humans have money left to feed themselves......LOLCheck out what I found!
"A Feline From Qingdao, China
With a waist of around 30 inches and a weight of 33 pounds, an unnamed cat caught media’s attention in February of 2006 and was tagged as China’s super fat cat. His owner, Xu Jirong, claimed that the cat ate steamed bread, half a bowl of chicken heart, and some pork every day. Since this cat could not even lift himself, Xu would pick him up just so he could get onto a bed. The weight of the cat was 17 kilograms or 37.48 lbs, in January 2007.
Orazio, the Garfield look-alike
Orazio is known as Italy’s fattest housecat and was dubbed the living look-alike of the famous cartoon cat Garfield. This three-year-old cat weighs 35.2lb and is as wide as his owner Laura Santarelli. A volunteer on a local dog house, Laura claims that her cat is not suffering from any health problems and that it is also impossible for her to keep her cat from eating. Orazio made headlines in April 2008.
Sassy a.k.a. Munchkin
Sassy got his picture spread online via viral email, and from there, he was more known as Munchkin, the monster cat. Because of the cat’s gigantic size, the picture was believed to be photoshopped. In 2005, however, his owner came out claiming Munchkin existed and his real name was Sally. He had already died by that time though. In 2001, he was recorded to weigh 40 pounds and lost eight pounds just before he died. Sally loved sleeping, and his owners took him to an animal hospital often but no health problems were ever found.
Kailee of Minnesota
Another 40-pound feline tubby on the list is Kailee, named after the former Minnesota Vikings linebacker Kailee Wong. In 2006, it was recorded that he ate 20 pounds of food every week and was too big to fit in his cat bed. Despite Kailee’s size, his owner, Michelle Dwallibee claimed that Kailee is a “healthy kitten”.
Mikesch, the fat cat from Germany
Walking was an exhausting activity for this German house cat that weighed around 41 lbs. and was fed 4.4 lbs of mince each day by its elderly owner. In 2004, Mikesch was taken to animal shelter and was immediately tested for health conditions. The shelter said that the cat's heart could not function well due to fats, which is why the cat easily got exhausted. Later, Mikesch was put on a strict diet.
Tulle a.k.a. Tubcat
Tulle, a feline from Denmark was another Garfield look-alike, but also became an internet sensation known as Tubcat. His picture first appeared in US Weekly in 2001 and was reported to weigh 43 pounds when the picture was taken. Tulle was then six-years-old and the girl holding him was twelve. Tulle’s overgrowth was due to the fact that he was suffering from a kidney disease, which also caused his death early this year. He hardly moved in his last months.
Princess Chunk, the homeless cat from New Jersey
After being found wandering for food in the streets of New Jersey without a collar, Princess Chunk became an instant celebrity on TV in July 2008 for being a homeless gigantic beautiful cat. The Camden County Animal Shelter, who rescued her, gave the cat’s nickname “Princess Chunk”, thinking it’s a girl; until its real owner, an old woman, stepped in and told everyone it’s a boy and his real name is “Powder”. Powder was given up by his owner Donna Olkatner because her house was foreclosed and she could not carry him along to her new place. But thanks to his instant fame, Powder found a new home. Just before he moved, the cat was confirmed to be perfectly healthy, and was just overfed. Therefore, he’ll just need a stricter diet.
Iggy of St. Joseph, MO
One of the contenders as the fattest feline in the world is Iggy, who weighed 46 pounds on a hog scale, and 50 pounds on a bathroom scale in March of 2006. Iggy had been tested for health problems and turned out fine. Joyce Kirk, Iggy’s owner, claimed that the cat just loves to eat 30 pounds of food every week. Just so Kirk could pay for the food bills, she decided to send out a video in America’s Funniest Home Videos that could win them $10,000.
Sam, a tabby from Smyrna, Georgia
This well-loved feline of Smyrna helped raise money for the Special Olympics in their town two years ago, almost the same time when Iggy was featured on TV. Sam then weighed 45 pounds with a 34-inch waistline. According to his owner, Paul Webster, when he first got Sam around 1996, he was just like other normal kittens that can fit inside a coffee mug. It’s just that he kept growing.
Katy, the Fattest Cat
Katy, a Siamese cat from Russia, is believed to be the un-proclaimed fattest cat in the world. She was recorded to weigh 50 pounds in February of 2003, 3 pounds heavier than Himmy, the heaviest cat in the 1987 Guinness Book of World Records. Himmy died due to respiratory failure. To discourage owners from over-feeding their pets, Guiness stopped recognizing the fattest pet; hence, Katy could not officially claim her spot. Owner Tamara Yapugova said Katy’s size was “partly because she was fed hormones to stop her mating.”
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Drinks.......That Make Ya Think!
Check this out.....
Pepsi Ice Cucumber
Salad Flavored Water
Mother's Milk
"People might reassure you that no, this is not, we repeat, not actual breastmilk. But who would believe it when the beverage in question is not only called “Mother’s Milk,”
World's Strongest Beer: 25% Alchohol and $110 Per Bottle
Beer for Dogs
For beer lovers and thirsty dogs, there is now an option for hanging out together and sharing a brew. Let the party begin. According to newsbbc, "A small brewery in the Netherlands has launched a new beer designed to bring cool relief to thirsty dogs.
Kwispelbier, marketed as "a beer for your best friend", is made from a special brew of beef extract and malt. The beverage is a creation of pet shop owner Gerrie Berendsen, who wanted her dogs to share light refreshments with her after a day's hunting.
Duff Beer: Homer Simpson's Beer comes true!
Crazy right?! The one trips me up most...... I mean COME ON! Beer for kids?!? WTH?
There are a lot of funny/interesting/cool blogs out there....
Whenever I run across something I feel is interesting enough to share the is not about breastfeeding I will put it up here.
Send your comments or links to other things you think I should mention.
Happy reading!